

USB Duplicators Intelligent 9 Silver Series

USB Duplicators Intelligent 9 Silver Series

1) USB Duplication at high speed: up to 1.5GB per min each port and up to 120 ports. 

2) Supports "Data & System" Copy

3) Bit-by-bit Inspection for Bad Sector/ Reading & Writing Speed / Real Capacity.

4) Quick Erase & DoD Erase

5) Easy Maintainace, USB module supports Quick Swap exchange.


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USB Duplicators Intelligent 9 Silver Series
0,00 €
 Through user-friendly interface, the new Intelligent 9 duplicators can be operated standalone with no steep learning curve for users to climb. Their ergonomic design facilitates efficient operations by letting users easily insert and remove flash cards, and the 70%--reduced footprint compared with their peer in the market has led to better space utilization and freight savings.
With diversified media duplicator offerings and customer-oriented philosophy, U-Reach has long been recognized as industry leader. The new Intelligent 9 Series, which have broken the traditional thinking & limit for duplicator, is anticipated to soon take up crucial role at the diversified media duplication stage; and it will certainly become must-have tools for people in search of high-end quality.
  The volume of Intelligent 9 Series is 70% smaller compared to traditional duplicators.
  Ergonomic Design for Operation   Quick Socket Swap Module  
Quick Data Copy
Quick data copy function will analyzes the USB first and then copies only the data portion, thereby enhancing the copying efficiency very much.
Copy + Compare Function
It is strongly suggested to use the Copy +Compare Function to achieve a perfect duplication.
Superior Flash Quality Inspection Tool
The quality, capacity and speed checks are useful and reliable tools to inspect the quality of the Flash cards you purchased.
þ   Professional H3/H5 Test completely shows the Flash cards’ quality.
This tool examines the entire Flash media bit-for-bit to show the reading speed, writing speed, and bad sector quantity. This is a useful tool before you make a purchasing decision. It can make quality inspections of the Flash cards.
þ   Capacity check.
The capacity check can report the accurate capacity of Flash card.
þ   Measure speed.
The speed measuring function can show the reading and writing speed of Flash Card.
Asynchronous Copy Technology
The asynchronous copy loads data to buffer memory automatically and allows each slot to duplicate data independently and continuously.
1.   High-speed copy supports up to 1.5G/m per port.
2.   Ergonomic design for easy operation.
3.   Quick socket swap module.
4.   New built-in advanced Multi-Core processor.
5.   Complete standalone system, no computer required.
6.   Supports bit-for-bit copy for USB/memory cards of all formats, data sizes and any capacity.
7.   Provides DoD Erase function which is complied with USA Department of Defense (DoD) data security standard.
8.   Four kinds of professional quality diagnostic tools for a Flash module.
9.   A2 Fake Picker" shows the accurate capacity of a USB/Memory card to get rid of low quality or fake flash devices.
10.   "Speed Check" shows the reading and writing speed of the Flash module within 8 seconds.
11.   "H3/H5 Media Check" shows the quantity of bad sectors through bit for bit examination.
12.   Quick data copy, copies only data contained areas.( Support FAT16/32, Linux EXT2/EXT3/EXT4, NTFS)
13.   High-end log production report.(Only on Golden model)
14.   Burn-in test to realize the quality of flash.(Only on Golden model)
15.   2 second format, 3 models available for selection.
16.   Supports Synchronous and Asynchronous modes for Copy/Compare/ Erase/ Format functions.
17.   Strict bit-for-bit hardware comparison further increases the reliability of duplication.
18.   User-friendly interface with real time information LCD display.
19.   Firmware upgrade available with well-experienced team support.
Model Intelligent 9 (Standard/Golden/Red)
Target USB Maximum to 120 ports
Stand Alone
Support media
LED(Green/Red) on each slot
4 push buttons ( Forward, Backward, OK, Esc)
Language Support
English, Japanese, Chinese
0°C ~ 75°C
-20°C ~ 85°C
Power Supply
12V adaptor